Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Battlestar Galactica and the Perseus

I have just seen the latest episode of the New Battlestar Galactica and I am shocked and engaged all at the same time. It was a wonderful episode and showed off that Ron Moore has been thrown out for nothing from Deep Space Nine production. He has done something remarkably, Ron produced a show that has grown with me. I have seen the old BS Galactica when I was a young boy and enjoyed the religious and action-oriented simplistic plotting of the old show. And now, he has made a remake of this old show as to the point that it has grown with me. The themes are for adults and I really mean it. Violence, Sex and Abuse are topics in this show and it is good to see such stuff back in television. It makes watching movies and series more interesting and more realistic.

Now, back to the topic of the post: The arrival of the Perseus in this new episode. I should warn every reader that there will be major spoilers in this post. So, if you still have to see the episode, go and watch it. You can read this afterwards.

It was an especially tense episode due to the different nature of the Perseus and its (full-fledged) military. Unlike the Galactica, which seems to have been more of a reserve ship than an actual combat ship, the Perseus has top-notch military staff and a rigid chain of command.
We see at once that Admiral Cain (this time a woman in contrast to the old show) is no light-weighed and obviously held no regrets to solve a problem with violence and no respect for individual lives. While the Galactica is displayed as a society held together due to respect and trust for each other, with a patriachalic father figure (Adama) who protects his employees, the Perseus is the total contrast. Fear and hierachy are ruling this ship and give a display of the true nature of Colonial military. Even the design of the two ships varies as to show the difference of morality and sense of life. The Galactica is a old bear, a flying mess of metal, where the people are the true motivaton. In contrast, the Perseus is an ultra-modern ship that is flying after the book and seems to be a glowing evil moloch of a ship.
While we see a semi-fascist state of affairs on the Perseus, we see an anarchic, individualist view of life on the Galactica. This difference is seen in the astounishment of the Perseus crew in respect to the Chief's Black Bird, the top secret stealth fighter. Creativity and initiative are values that are of no importance to the Perseus and its crew.
We see the effects of this rigid hierachy and its ultimate obsession of order and dogmas before common sense through the whole episode.
They are brutal, unemotional and dogmatic in their solutions and daily work.

It will be interesting to see, how this differences play out and which side will have the longer breath. I hop to see individualism to trump the collective aboard the Perseus and I hope that Ron will close the plot-holes, the Perseus has left open (Are they Cylons? How could they escape the Cylon Virus? If they know that Cylons are human, how can they be sure that noone else is a Cylon?)

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