b) G-3-182: U.S.A considers that Millenium Development Goal is a "politicial concept" ans so not relevant to the assessment.
It shows that in the end political interests among the scientists seem to dominate and influence the "scientific" nature. Indeed a sad but not unanticipated state of affairs, since, after all, the IPCC works for an government apparatus and as such is part of the political landscape.
Another interesting formulation:
a) G-3-26: Introduction - U.S.A. objects to including the idea that "water is now recommended to be a human right" (never formally accepted).
Why do they even have to obsess about it or write about it. Again, THIS is not a scientific issue but a political one. It's embarrising and revealing that only the USA objected and non of the other state entities. It shows that in the end hip-green ideology prevails in formulating a document for their agenda and not careful scientific discussion.