I can understand how libertarians are afraid of corporations having influence on the government and the way Republicans are using Democrat's tools to engineer countries, but what would change if the Democrats were in power? Exactly, nothing, because the solutions are still the old Democrat's tools of social engineering.
Also, I can understand his fear of corportaions lobbying in Washington, but I can't understand his fear of corporations at all costs. There many good things about corporations as a counter-weighed to irrational policies (especially in the environmental area), but there are of course a lot of things that are bad about corporations (just look at their craving-ins to Chinese totalitarian politicians).
The true horror are these sentences, which are meant to testify for the viable democratic-libertarian alliance:
"We don't advocate the elimination of safety-net programs or the abolition of publicly funded education or any of the more extreme manifestations of libertarianism."
Those are not "extreme" manifestations of libertarianism, they are the root of liberal ideals and what it means to be a true liberal. These are not random ideas, that are part of a bigger social plan for libertarianism world domination, but rather parts of the ideology that Freedom is absolute for the individuum.
And then there comes this whopper:
"We don't think that "corporations derive their power from government," hence less regulation will magically make corporations respect my individual liberties"
No, but they will make the individual liberties for INDIVIDUALS bigger! The lesser regulations is not meant for corporations, but for the individuals either working their or being the consumer of the end product.
Also, the difference between corporations and simple enterprises are the numbers. More people work in corporations and they have more capital to use, than a mom and pop shop. But you can't make legislation that only fits on corporations, where is the border between those and smaller businesses? You are going to set an arbitary number?
More on this later...